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Yesterday afternoon, the Alberta government introduced amendments to the Insurance Act (Alberta) and the Captive Insurance Companies Act (Alberta) as the next step in its initiative.
Canada InsuranceYesterday afternoon, the Alberta government introduced amendments to the Insurance Act (Alberta) and the Captive Insurance Companies Act (Alberta) as the next step in its initiative to provide additional Alberta-based insurance capacity and foster development of the insurance, risk management and insurtech/fintech sector in Alberta, supporting the province's economic diversification. This follows the introduction and passage last year of the Captive Insurance Companies Act, as previously discussed here.
If passed, Bill 16, the Insurance Amendment Act, 2022, will amend both the Insurance Act and the Captive Insurance Companies Act to, among other things:
Regulations required to implement the Captive Insurance Companies Act are expected to be released later in 2022.
Taken together, the measures are designed to achieve several complementary goals. These include providing additional Alberta-based insurance capacity to Alberta businesses, particularly in the energy sector, while preserving and creating new opportunities for incumbent insurers to co-insure alongside the captives and/or reinsure the captives or provincial reinsurers. In addition, they would help foster the long-term development of the insurance, risk management and insurtech/fintech sector in Alberta, complementing related Alberta governmental initiatives already underway and supporting long-term economic diversification in Alberta.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.