Authors : Wenlu Hu , Ying Gao , Kiryong Ha , Junjue Wang , + 4 , Brandon Amos , Zhuo Chen , Padmanabhan Pillai , Mahadev Satyanarayanan (Less) Authors Info & Claims
Article No.: 5, Pages 1 - 8 Published : 04 August 2016 Publication History 118 citation 2,952 Downloads Total Citations 118 Total Downloads 2,952 Last 12 Months 225 Last 6 weeks 39 Get Citation AlertsThis alert has been successfully added and will be sent to: You will be notified whenever a record that you have chosen has been cited.
To manage your alert preferences, click on the button below. Manage my AlertsComputational offloading services at the edge of the Internet for mobile devices are becoming a reality. Using a wide range of mobile applications, we explore how such infrastructure improves latency and energy consumption relative to the cloud. We present experimental results from WiFi and 4G LTE networks that confirm substantial wins from edge computing for highly interactive mobile applications.
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WattsUp. .NET Power Meter. the rapid growth of mobile devices (such as smart phones and IoT devices) and the upcoming 5G era, it has been considered that edge computing will play a significant role, which together with the Cloud server forms the Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) .
Cloud and mobile edge computing (MEC) provides a wide range of computing services for mobile applications. In particular, mobile edge computing enables a computing and storage infrastructure provisioned closely to the end-users at the edge of a cellular .
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