madhukar (Querist) 22 January 2012 This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir, I intend to buy a room in chawl at goregoan east mumbai( balaji nagar next to aarey milk colony). its available at Rs 8 lakh. Soon it may go for redevelopement ( S.R.A)as per seller already a builder approched & distributed sweets to them in dewali. i would request you to suggest me if i buy room there am i eligible for S.R.A. what legal steps, documents & precaution i should take to buy this room specialy when it is going under redevelopement.what type of agrremnet deed i can make to ensure it is in line with SRA. owner of room is diffrent, current seller has purchased this room in aug 2008. & he has sale agreement in his name with power of attorny.photopass slip of tehsildar. ration card belongs to him & three others names are there in ration card as his sons & daughter. pl guide this is my first purchase of room
ajay sethi (Expert) 22 January 2012
one fact that i have observed regarding purchase of rooms in chawl in mumbai .
the agreements are not properly stamped nor registered . invariably on rs 100/ stam paper title changes hands . some times it is done on basis of notarised affidavit .
forget about SRA . as on date there is no SRA scheme . it is only if majority of residents of chawl agree for redvelopment will there be any redevlopment .
it is long drawn process and takes time .
consult a lawyer before you spend rs 8 lakhs
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 22 January 2012
You are not advised to purchase the room as desired in the aforesaid chawl in the light of fact that already entire proceeding has already been completed.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 22 January 2012
All chawls have ch-awl committee, and it's member can guide you.
For benefits of SRA,, u should have residence proof, of last 10 yrs electric bill, Ration Card, Gas & Telephones etc, and otherwise u mat not be eligible
So take care, be cautious. If Regd Chawl comitte helps, ready to take u as member, it may work out.
case differ from place to place, ch-awl to ch-awl, and the builder's interest.
So a specific reply is out of q.