Chapter 1322 | Ohio Residential Mortgage Lending Act (RMLA)

(A) "Administrative or clerical tasks" mean the receipt, collection, and distribution of information common for the processing or underwriting of a loan in the mortgage industry, and communication with a consumer to obtain information necessary for the processing or underwriting of a residential mortgage loan, to the extent the communication does not include offering or negotiating loan rates or terms or counseling borrows about residential mortgage loan rates or terms.

(B) "Advertising" means a commercial message in any medium that promotes, either directly or indirectly, a residential mortgage lending transaction.

(C) "Application" has the same meaning as in 12 C.F.R. 1026.2(a)(3).

(D) "Approved education course" means any course approved by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry.

(E) "Approved test provider" means any test provider approved by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry.

(F) "Bona fide nonprofit organization" means an organization that meets all of the following:

(1) Has the status of a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended;

(2) Promotes affordable housing or provides homeownership education or similar services;

(3) Conducts its activities in a manner that serves public or charitable purposes, rather than commercial purposes;

(4) Receives funding and revenue and charges fees in a manner that does not incentivize it or its employees to act other than in the best interests of its clients;

(5) Compensates its employees in a manner that does not incentivize employees to act other than in the best interests of its clients;

(6) Provides, or identifies for the borrower, residential mortgage loans with terms favorable to the borrower and comparable to mortgage loans and housing assistance provided under government housing assistance programs;

(7) Has obtained a valid letter of exemption from the superintendent of financial institutions.

(G) "Borrower" means a person seeking a residential mortgage loan or an obligor on a residential mortgage loan.

(H) "Branch office" means a location at which a licensee conducts business other than a registrant's principal place of business, if at least one of the following applies to the location:

(1) The address of the location appears on business cards, stationery, or advertising used by the registrant;

(2) The registrant's name or advertising at the location suggests that mortgage transactions are made at the location;

(3) The location is held out to the public as a licensee's place of business due to the actions of an employee or independent contractor of the registrant; or

(4) The location within this state is controlled directly or indirectly by the registrant.

(I) "Buyer" means an individual who is solicited to purchase or who purchases the services of a mortgage loan originator for purposes of obtaining a residential mortgage loan. "Buyer" includes an individual whose mortgage loan is serviced by a mortgage servicer.

(J) "Consumer reporting agency" has the same meaning as in the "Fair Credit Reporting Act," 84 Stat. 1128, 15 U.S.C.A. 1681a, as amended.

(K) "Control" means the power, directly or indirectly, to direct the management or policies of an entity, whether through ownership of securities, by contract, or otherwise. A person is presumed to control an entity if that person:

(1) Is a director, general partner, or executive officer or is an individual that occupies a similar position or performs a similar function;

(2) Directly or indirectly has the right to vote five per cent or more of a class of a voting security or has the power to sell or direct the sale of five per cent or more of a class of voting securities;

(3) In the case of a limited liability company, is a managing member; or

(4) In the case of a partnership, has the right to receive upon dissolution or has contributed five per cent or more of the capital.

(L) "Depository institution" has the same meaning as in section 3 of the "Federal Deposit Insurance Act," 12 U.S.C. 1813(c), and also includes any credit union.

(M) "Dwelling" has the same meaning as in 15 U.S.C. 1602(w). "Dwelling" includes a single condominium unit, cooperative unit, mobile home, and trailer, if it is used as a residence, whether or not that structure is attached to real property.

(N) "Employee" means an individual for whom a mortgage broker, mortgage lender, or mortgage servicer, in addition to providing a wage or salary, pays social security and unemployment taxes, provides workers' compensation coverage, and withholds local, state, and federal income taxes. "Employee" also includes any individual who acts as a mortgage loan originator or operations manager of a registrant, but for whom the registrant is prevented by law from making income tax withholdings.

(O) "Entity" means a business organization, including a sole proprietorship.

(P) "Expungement" means a court-ordered process that involves the destruction of documentation related to past arrests and convictions.

(Q) "Federal banking agency" means the board of governors of the federal reserve system, the comptroller of the currency, the national credit union administration, or the federal deposit insurance corporation.

(R) "Immediate family" means an individual's spouse, child, stepchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law.

(S) "Independent contractor" means an individual who performs duties for another person and is not subject to that person's supervision or control.

(T) "Individual" means a natural person.

(U) "Licensee" means any individual who has been issued a mortgage loan originator license under this chapter.

(V) "Loan commitment" means a statement transmitted in writing or electronically by a mortgage lender setting forth the terms and conditions upon which the mortgage lender is willing to make a particular residential mortgage loan to a particular borrower.

(W) "Loan processor or underwriter" means an individual who, with respect to the origination of a residential mortgage loan, performs any of the following activities at the direction or subject to the supervision of a licensed mortgage loan originator or registered mortgage loan originator:

(1) Receiving, collecting, distributing, or analyzing information common for the processing or underwriting of a residential mortgage loan;

(2) Communicating with a borrower to obtain the information necessary for the processing or underwriting of a loan, to the extent the communication does not include offering or negotiating loan rates or terms or counseling borrowers about residential mortgage loan rates or terms.

(X) "Mortgage" means the consensual interest in real property located in this state, including improvements to that property, securing a debt evidence by a mortgage, trust indenture, deed of trust, or other lien on real property.

(Y) "Mortgage broker" means an entity that for compensation or gain, or in the expectation of compensation or gain, obtains, attempts to obtain, or assists in obtaining a residential mortgage loan for a borrower from a mortgage lender. For purposes of this division, "attempting to obtain or assisting in obtaining" a residential mortgage loan includes referring a borrower to a mortgage lender, soliciting or offering to solicit a mortgage loan on behalf of a borrower, or negotiating or offering to negotiate the terms or conditions of a mortgage loan with a mortgage lender on behalf of a borrower.

(Z) "Mortgage lender" means an entity that for compensation or gain, or in the expectation of compensation or gain consummates a residential mortgage loan, advances funds, offers to advance funds, or commits to advancing funds for a borrower.

(AA)(1) "Mortgage loan originator" means an individual who for compensation or gain, or in the expectation of compensation or gain, does any of the following:

(a) Takes a residential mortgage loan application;

(b) Assists or offers to assist a buyer in obtaining or applying to obtain a residential mortgage loan by, among other things, advising on loan terms, including rates, fees, and other costs;

(c) Offers or negotiates terms of a residential mortgage loan;

(d) Issues or offers to issue a commitment for a residential mortgage loan to a buyer.

(2) "Mortgage loan originator" does not include any of the following:

(a) An individual who performs purely administrative or clerical tasks on behalf of a mortgage loan originator;

(b) A person licensed under Chapter 4735. of the Revised Code, or under the similar law of another state, who performs only real estate brokerage activities permitted by that license, provided the person is not compensated by a mortgage lender, mortgage broker, mortgage loan originator, or by any agent thereof;

(c) A person solely involved in extensions of credit relating to timeshare plans, as that term is defined in 11 U.S.C. 101;

(d) An employee of a mortgage lender or mortgage broker who acts solely as a loan processor or underwriter and who does not represent to the public, through advertising or other means of communicating, including the use of business cards, stationery, brochures, signs, rate lists, or other promotional items, that the employee can or will perform any of the activities of a mortgage loan originator;

(e) A licensed attorney who negotiates the terms of a residential mortgage loan on behalf of a client as an ancillary matter to the attorney's representation of the client, unless the attorney is compensated by a mortgage lender, a mortgage broker, or another mortgage loan originator, or by any agent thereof;

(f) Any person engaged in the retail sale of manufactured homes, mobile homes, or industrialized units, including a manufactured home park operator, as defined in section 4781.01 of the Revised Code if, in connection with financing those retail sales, the person does not do any of the following:

(i) Offer or negotiate the residential mortgage loan rates or terms;

(ii) Fail to give a borrower written disclosure of any corporate affiliation the person has with any lender, or fail to refer a borrower to at least one unaffiliated lender if the person recommends a lender with which the person has a corporate affiliation;

(iii) Receive any compensation or gain from any company or individual for assisting the borrower obtain or apply for financing to purchase the manufactured home, mobile home, or industrialized unit.

(g) An individual employed by a bona fide nonprofit organization acting within the scope of employment with respect to residential mortgage loans with terms that are favorable to the borrower;

(h) An employee of a loan processing or underwriting company that provides loan processing or underwriting services to one or more mortgage lenders or mortgage brokers under a contract between the loan processing or underwriting company and the mortgage lenders or mortgage brokers, provided the employee performs only clerical or support duties and performs those duties only at the direction of and subject to the supervision and instruction of a licensed mortgage loan originator employee of the same loan processing and underwriting company, and provided that the loan processing and underwriting company has obtained a letter of exemption provided for in a rule adopted by the superintendent of financial institutions.

(BB) "Mortgage servicer" means a person that, for compensation or gain for itself or on behalf of the holder of a residential mortgage loan, holds the servicing rights for more than five residential mortgage loans, records mortgage payments on its books for more than five residential mortgage loans, or performs other functions to carry out the residential mortgage holder's obligations or rights under the mortgage agreement for more than five residential mortgage loans including, when applicable, the receipt of funds from the mortgagor to be held in escrow for payment of real estate taxes and insurance premiums and the distribution of such funds to the taxing authority and insurance company.

(CC) "Nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry" means a licensing system developed and maintained by the conference of state bank supervisors and the American association of residential mortgage regulators, or their successor entities, for the licensing and registration of persons providing non-depository financial services.

(DD) "Nontraditional mortgage product" means any mortgage product other than a thirty-year fixed rate mortgage.

(EE) "Person" means an individual, sole proprietorship, corporation, company, limited liability company, partnership, limited liability partnership, trust, or association.

(FF) "Real estate brokerage activity" means any activity that involves offering or providing real estate brokerage services to the public, including all of the following:

(1) Acting as a real estate salesperson or real estate broker for a buyer, seller, lessor, or lessee of real property;

(2) Bringing together parties interested in the sale, purchase, lease, rental, or exchange of real property;

(3) Negotiating, on behalf of any party, any portion of a contract relating to the sale, purchase, lease, rental, or exchange of real property, other than in connection with providing financing for any such transaction;

(4) Engaging in any activity for which a person engaged in that activity is required to be licensed as a real estate salesperson or real estate broker under the law of this state;

(5) Offering to engage in any activity, or to act in any capacity, described in division (FF) of this section.

(GG) "Registered mortgage loan originator" means an individual to whom both of the following apply:

(1) The individual is a mortgage loan originator and an employee of a depository institution, a subsidiary that is owned and controlled by a depository institution and regulated by a federal banking agency, or an institution regulated by the farm credit administration.

(2) The individual is registered with, and maintains a unique identifier through, the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry.

(HH) "Registrant" means any person that has been issued a certificate of registration under this chapter.

(II) "Residential mortgage loan" means any loan that meets both of the following requirements:

(1) It is primarily for personal, family, or household use and is secured by a mortgage, deed of trust, or other equivalent consensual security interest on a dwelling or on residential real estate.

(2) It is provided and secured by a first lien holder secured creditor or by a subordinate lien holder secured creditor.

(JJ) "Residential real estate" means any real property located in this state upon which is constructed a dwelling or upon which a dwelling is intended to be built within a two-year period, subject to 24 C.F.R. 3500.5(b)(4). For purposes of this division, a borrower's intent to build a dwelling within a two-year period is presumed unless the borrower has submitted a written, signed statement to the contrary.

(KK) "Superintendent of financial institutions" includes the deputy superintendent for consumer finance as provided in section 1181.21 of the Revised Code.

(LL) "Transaction of business as a mortgage lender, mortgage servicer, or mortgage broker in this state" means originating, brokering, or servicing five or more residential mortgage loans in any twelve-month period in any of the following circumstances:

(1) For any resident in this state;

(2) For any property in this state;

(3) By a person who is physically located in this state even if the property in question is in another state.

(MM) "Unique identifier" means a number or other identifier assigned by protocols established by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry.

Last updated June 22, 2021 at 1:03 PM

September 1, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 133 - 134th General Assembly

The superintendent of financial institutions may, by rule, amend the definition of mortgage loan originator, mortgage broker, mortgage lender, mortgage servicer, or any other definition in section 1322.01 of the Revised Code, or the criteria for an entity to obtain a letter of exemption, or a registration or license, under this chapter, if the superintendent finds that the change is necessary to remain consistent with the purposes intended by the policy and provisions of the "Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008," 122 Stat. 2810, 12 U.S.C. 5101.

Rules authorized by this section shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 22, 2021 at 1:07 PM

September 1, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 133 - 134th General Assembly

This chapter does not apply to any of the following:

(A) Any entity chartered and lawfully doing business under the authority of any law of this state, another state, or the United States as a bank, savings bank, trust company, savings and loan association, or credit union, or a subsidiary of any such entity, which subsidiary is regulated by a federal banking agency and is owned and controlled by a depository institution;

(B) A consumer reporting agency that is in substantial compliance with the "Fair Credit Reporting Act," 84 Stat. 1128, 15 U.S.C. 1681a, as amended;

(C) Any political subdivision, or any governmental or other public entity, corporation, instrumentality, or agency, in or of the United States or any state;

(D) A college or university, or controlled entity of a college or university, as those terms are defined in section 1713.05 of the Revised Code;

(E) Any entity created solely for the purpose of securitizing loans secured by an interest in real estate, provided the entity does not service the loans. As used in this division, "securitizing" means the packaging and sale of mortgage loans as a unit for sale as investment securities, but only to the extent of those activities.

(F) Any person engaged in the retail sale of manufactured homes, mobile homes, or industrialized units, including a manufactured home park operator, as defined in section 4781.01 of the Revised Code, if, in connection with obtaining financing by others for those retail sales, the person does not do any of the following:

(1) Offer or negotiate the residential mortgage loan rates or terms;

(2) Fail to give a borrower written disclosure of any corporate affiliation the person has with any lender, or fail to refer a borrower to at least one unaffiliated lender if the person recommends a lender with which the person has a corporate affiliation;

(3) Receive any compensation or gain from any company or individual for assisting the borrower to obtain or apply for financing to purchase the manufactured home, mobile home, or industrialized unit.

(G) A bona fide nonprofit organization;

(H) A credit union service organization, provided that the organization utilizes services provided by registered mortgage loan originators or that it holds a valid letter of exemption issued by the superintendent of financial institutions under division (B)(1) of section 1322.05 of the Revised Code.

(I) A depository institution not otherwise required to be licensed under this chapter that voluntarily makes a filing on the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry as an exempt entity for the purpose of licensing loan originators exclusively associated with the institution and that holds a valid letter of exemption issued by the superintendent pursuant to division (B)(1) of section 1322.05 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 22, 2021 at 1:08 PM

March 23, 2018 Latest Legislation: House Bill 199 - 132nd General Assembly

(A) A credit union service organization or depository institution seeking exemption from registration pursuant to division (H) or (I) of section 1322.04 of the Revised Code or rules adopted by the superintendent in accordance with section 1322.02 of the Revised Code shall submit an application to the superintendent of financial institutions along with a nonrefundable fee of three hundred fifty dollars for each location of an office to be maintained by the organization or institution seeking exemption. The application shall be in a form prescribed by the superintendent and shall include all of the following:

(1) The organization's or institution's business name and state of incorporation or business registration;

(2) The names of the owners, officers, or partners having control of the organization or institution;

(3) An attestation to all of the following:

(a) That the organization or institution and its owners, officers, or partners identified in division (A)(2) of this section have not had a credit union service organization registration or license, mortgage banker license, mortgage broker certificate of registration, or mortgage loan originator license, or any comparable authority, revoked in any governmental jurisdiction;

(b) That the organization or institution and its owners, officers, or partners identified in division (A)(2) of this section have not been convicted of, or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to, any of the following in a domestic, foreign, or military court:

(i) During the seven-year period immediately preceding the date of application for exemption, a misdemeanor involving theft or any felony;

(ii) At any time prior to the date the application for exemption is approved, a felony involving an act of fraud, dishonesty, a breach of trust, theft, or money laundering.

(c) That, with respect to financing residential mortgage loans, the organization or institution conducts business with residents of this state or secures its loans with property located in this state.

(4) The names of all mortgage loan originators or licensees under the organization's or institution's control and direction;

(5) An acknowledgment of understanding that the organization or institution is subject to the regulatory authority of the division of financial institutions as described in this section;

(6) Any further reasonable information that the superintendent may require.

(B)(1) If the superintendent determines that the credit union service organization or depository institution qualifies for exemption, the superintendent shall issue a letter of exemption. Additional certified copies of a letter of exemption shall be provided upon request and the payment of seventy-five dollars per copy.

(2) If the superintendent determines that the organization or institution does not qualify for exemption, the superintendent shall issue a notice of denial, and the organization or institution may request a hearing in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(C) All of the following conditions apply to any credit union service organization or depository institution holding a valid letter of exemption:

(1) The organization or institution shall be subject to examination in the same manner as a registrant with respect to the conduct of the organization's or institution's mortgage loan originators. In conducting any out-of-state examination, the organization or institution shall be responsible for paying the costs of the division in the same manner as a registrant.

(2) The organization or institution shall have an affirmative duty to supervise the conduct of its mortgage loan originators, and to cooperate with investigations by the division with respect to that conduct, in the same manner as is required of registrants.

(3) The organization or institution shall keep and maintain records of all transactions relating to the conduct of its mortgage loan originators in the same manner as is required of registrants.

(4) The organization or institution may provide the surety bond for its licensees in the same manner as is permitted for registrants.

(D) A letter of exemption expires annually on the thirty-first day of December and may be renewed on or before that date by submitting an application that meets the requirements of division (A) of this section and a nonrefundable renewal fee of three hundred fifty dollars for each location of an office to be maintained by the credit union service organization or depository institution.

(E) The superintendent may issue a notice to revoke or suspend a letter of exemption if the superintendent finds that the letter was obtained though a false or fraudulent representation of a material fact, or the omission of a material fact, required by law, or that a condition for exemption is no longer being met. Prior to issuing an order of revocation or suspension, the credit union service organization or depository institution shall be given an opportunity for a hearing in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(F) All information obtained by the division pursuant to an examination or investigation under this section shall be subject to the confidentiality requirements set forth in section 1322.36 of the Revised Code.

(G) All money collected under this section shall be deposited into the state treasury to the credit of the consumer finance fund created in section 1321.21 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 22, 2021 at 1:09 PM

September 1, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 133 - 134th General Assembly

(A)(1) No person, on the person's own behalf or on behalf of any other person, shall engage in the transaction of business as a mortgage lender, mortgage servicer, or mortgage broker in this state without first having obtained a certificate of registration from the superintendent of financial institutions for the principal office and every branch office to be maintained by the person for the transaction of business as a mortgage lender, mortgage servicer, or mortgage broker in this state.

(2) A registrant shall maintain an office location for the transaction of business as a mortgage lender, mortgage servicer, or mortgage broker in any state of the United States. Registrants are not required to maintain a physical location in this state.

(B)(1) No individual shall act as a mortgage loan originator without first having obtained a license from the superintendent. A mortgage loan originator shall be employed by or associated with a registrant or entity holding a valid letter of exemption under this chapter, but shall not be employed by or associated with more than one registrant or entity holding a valid letter of exemption under this chapter at any one time.

(2) An individual acting under the individual's authority as a registered mortgage loan originator shall not be required to be licensed under division (B)(1) of this section.

Last updated June 22, 2021 at 1:10 PM

September 30, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly

(A)(1) An application for a certificate of registration shall be in writing, under oath, and in a form prescribed by the superintendent of financial institutions that complies with the requirements of the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee of seven hundred dollars for each location of an office to be maintained by the applicant in accordance with division (A) of section 1322.07 of the Revised Code and any additional fee required by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry.

(2) The application shall include the names and addresses of the owners, officers, or partners having control of the applicant, including all of the following:

(a) In the case of a sole proprietor, the name and address of the sole proprietor;

(b) In the case of a partnership, the name and address of each partner;

(c) In the case of a corporation, the name and address of each shareholder owning five per cent or more of the corporation;

(d) In the case of any other entity, the name and address of any person that owns five per cent or more of any entity that will transact business under the certificate of registration.

(3) In addition to any information required by this section, an applicant shall furnish to the superintendent any reasonable information the superintendent may require.

(B) Upon the filing of the application and payment of the nonrefundable application fee and any fee required by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry, the superintendent shall investigate the applicant and any individual whose identity is required to be disclosed in the application. As part of that investigation, the superintendent shall conduct a civil records check.

If, in order to issue a certificate of registration to an applicant, additional investigation by the superintendent outside this state is necessary, the superintendent may require the applicant to advance sufficient funds to pay the actual expenses of the investigation, if it appears that these expenses will exceed five hundred dollars. The superintendent shall provide the applicant with an itemized statement of the actual expenses that the applicant is required to pay.

(C) In connection with applying for a certificate of registration, the applicant shall furnish to the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry information concerning the applicant's identity, including all of the following for the applicant and any individual with control of the applicant:

(1) The applicant's fingerprints for submission to the federal bureau of investigation, and any other governmental agency or entity authorized to receive such information, for purposes of a state, national, and international criminal history background check;

(2) Personal history and experience in a form prescribed by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry, along with authorization for the superintendent and the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry to obtain both of the following:

(a) An independent credit report from a consumer reporting agency;

(b) Information related to any administrative, civil, or criminal findings by any governmental jurisdiction.

(D) The superintendent shall pay all funds advanced and application and renewal fees and penalties the superintendent receives pursuant to this section and section 1322.10 of the Revised Code to the treasurer of state to the credit of the consumer finance fund created in section 1321.21 of the Revised Code.

(E) If an application for a certificate of registration does not contain all of the information required under this section, and if that information is not submitted to the superintendent or to the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry within ninety days after the superintendent or the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry requests the information in writing, including by electronic transmission or facsimile, the superintendent may consider the application withdrawn.

(F) A certificate of registration and the authority granted under that certificate is not transferable or assignable and cannot be franchised by contract or any other means.

(G)(1) The superintendent may establish relationships or enter into contracts with the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry, or any entities designated by it, to collect and maintain records and process transaction fees or other fees related to mortgage lender, mortgage servicer, or mortgage broker certificates of registration or the persons associated with a mortgage lender, mortgage servicer, or mortgage broker.

(2) For purposes of this section and to reduce the points of contact that the federal bureau of investigation may have to maintain, the division of financial institutions may use the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry as a channeling agent for requesting information from and distributing information to the United States department of justice or other governmental agencies.

(3) For purposes of this section and to reduce the points of contact that the division may have to maintain, the division may use the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry as a channeling agent for requesting information from and distributing information to any source as determined by the division.

Last updated July 15, 2021 at 1:32 PM

December 29, 2023 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 131 - 134th General Assembly

(A) Upon the conclusion of the investigation required under division (B) of section 1322.09 of the Revised Code, the superintendent of financial institutions shall issue a certificate of registration to the applicant if the superintendent finds that the following conditions are met:

(1) The application is accompanied by the application fee and any fee required by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry.

(a) If a check or other draft instrument is returned to the superintendent for insufficient funds, the superintendent shall notify the applicant by certified mail, return receipt requested, that the application will be withdrawn unless the applicant, within thirty days after receipt of the notice, submits the application fee and a one-hundred-dollar penalty to the superintendent. If the applicant does not submit the application fee and penalty within that time period, or if any check or other draft instrument used to pay the fee or penalty is returned to the superintendent for insufficient funds, the application shall be withdrawn.

(b) If a check or other draft instrument is returned to the superintendent for insufficient funds after the certificate of registration has been issued, the superintendent shall notify the registrant by certified mail, return receipt requested, that the certificate of registration issued in reliance on the check or other draft instrument will be canceled unless the registrant, within thirty days after receipt of the notice, submits the application fee and a one-hundred-dollar penalty to the superintendent. If the registrant does not submit the application fee and penalty within that time period, or if any check or other draft instrument used to pay the fee or penalty is returned to the superintendent for insufficient funds, the certificate of registration shall be canceled immediately without a hearing, and the registrant shall cease activity as a mortgage broker, mortgage lender, or mortgage servicer.

(2) If the application is for a location that is a residence, evidence that the use of the residence to transact business as a mortgage lender, mortgage broker, or mortgage servicer is not prohibited.

(3) The applicant maintains all necessary filings and approvals required by the secretary of state.

(4) The applicant complies with the surety bond requirements of section 1322.32 of the Revised Code.

(5) The applicant has not made a material misstatement of fact or material omission of fact in the application.

(6) Neither the applicant nor any person whose identity is required to be disclosed on an application for a certificate of registration has had such a certificate of registration or mortgage loan originator license, or any comparable authority, revoked in any governmental jurisdiction or has pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to or been convicted of a disqualifying offense as determined in accordance with section 9.79 of the Revised Code.

(7) The applicant's operations manager successfully completed the examination required by section 1322.27 of the Revised Code.

(8) The applicant's financial responsibility, experience, and general fitness command the confidence of the public and warrant the belief that the business will be operated honestly, fairly, and efficiently in compliance with the purposes of this chapter and the rules adopted thereunder. The superintendent shall not use a credit score or a bankruptcy as the sole basis for registration denial.

(B) For purposes of determining whether an applicant that is a partnership, corporation, or other business entity or association has met the conditions set forth in divisions (A)(6) and (8) of this section, the superintendent shall determine which partners, shareholders, or persons named in the application must meet those conditions. This determination shall be based on the extent and nature of the partner's, shareholder's, or person's ownership interest in the partnership, corporation, or other business entity or association that is the applicant and on whether the person is in a position to direct, control, or adversely influence the operations of the applicant.

(C) The certificate of registration issued pursuant to division (A) of this section may be renewed annually on or before the thirty-first day of December if the superintendent finds that all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The renewal application is accompanied by a nonrefundable renewal fee of seven hundred dollars for each location of an office to be maintained by the applicant in accordance with division (A) of section 1322.07 of the Revised Code and any fee required by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry. If a check or other draft instrument is returned to the superintendent for insufficient funds, the superintendent shall notify the registrant by certified mail, return receipt requested, that the certificate of registration renewed in reliance on the check or other draft instrument will be canceled unless the registrant, within thirty days after receipt of the notice, submits the renewal fee and a one-hundred-dollar penalty to the superintendent. If the registrant does not submit the renewal fee and penalty within that time period, or if any check or other draft instrument used to pay the fee or penalty is returned to the superintendent for insufficient funds, the certificate of registration shall be canceled immediately without a hearing and the registrant shall cease activity as a mortgage broker, mortgage lender, or mortgage servicer.

(2) The applicant meets the conditions set forth in divisions (A)(2), (3), (4), (5), (7), and (8) of this section.

(3) Neither the applicant nor any person whose identity is required to be disclosed on the renewal application has had a certificate of registration or mortgage loan originator license, or any comparable authority, revoked in any governmental jurisdiction or has pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to or been convicted of any of the following in a domestic, foreign, or military court:

(a) During the seven-year period immediately preceding the date of the renewal application but excluding any time before the certificate of registration was issued, a misdemeanor involving theft or any felony;

(b) At any time between the date of the original certificate of registration and the date of the renewal application, a felony involving an act of fraud, dishonesty, a breach of trust, theft, or money laundering.

(4) The applicant's certificate of registration is not subject to an order of suspension or an unpaid and past due fine imposed by the superintendent.

(D)(1) Subject to division (D)(2) of this section, if a renewal fee or additional fee required by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry is received by the superintendent after the thirty-first day of December, the certificate of registration shall not be considered renewed, and the applicant shall cease activity as a mortgage lender, mortgage broker, or mortgage servicer.

(2) Division (D)(1) of this section shall not apply if the applicant, not later than forty-five days after the renewal deadline, submits the renewal fee or additional fee and a one-hundred-fifty-dollar penalty to the superintendent.

(E) Certificates of registration issued under this chapter annually expire on the thirty-first day of December.

(F) The pardon or expungement of a conviction shall not be considered a conviction for purposes of this section.

(G) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, the superintendent shall issue a certificate of registration in accordance with Chapter 4796. of the Revised Code to an applicant if either of the following applies:

(1) The applicant holds a license or certificate of registration in another state.

(2) The applicant has satisfactory work experience, a government certification, or a private certification as described in that chapter as a mortgage broker or mortgage lender in a state that does not issue that license or certificate of registration.

Last updated December 29, 2023 at 7:25 AM

September 1, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 133 - 134th General Assembly

(A) Each registrant or entity holding a valid letter of exemption under division (B)(1) of section 1322.05 of the Revised Code shall designate an employee or owner of that registrant's business as the operations manager. The operations manager shall be responsible for the management, supervision, and control of a particular registrant.

(B) To be eligible for such a designation, an employee or owner shall have at least three years of experience in the residential mortgage and lending field including experience as a mortgage loan originator, registered mortgage loan originator, or other experience related to the business of residential mortgage lending that the superintendent determines is sufficient. While acting as the operations manager, the employee or owner shall be licensed as a mortgage loan originator under this chapter and shall not be employed by any other mortgage lender, mortgage broker, or mortgage servicer.

(C) If the person designated as the operations manager pursuant to this section ceases to be the operations manager, the registrant shall do all of the following:

(1) Within ninety days after the person ceases to be the operations manager, designate another person as the operations manager;

(2) Within ten days after the designation described in division (C)(1) of this section, notify the superintendent in writing of the new designation;

(3) Submit any additional information that the superintendent requires to establish that the newly designated operations manager meets the requirements set forth in this section.

(D) The registrant shall cease operations if it is without an operations manager approved by the superintendent for more than one hundred eighty days unless otherwise authorized in writing by the superintendent due to exigent circumstances.

Last updated June 22, 2021 at 1:12 PM

September 1, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 133 - 134th General Assembly

No person shall acquire, sell, transfer, or hypothecate any interest in a registrant, or an entity holding a letter of exemption issued under this chapter, or an applicant for a certificate of registration under this chapter in order to obfuscate or conceal the true ownership or control of the registrant, exemption holder, or applicant.

Last updated June 15, 2021 at 5:33 PM

March 23, 2018 Latest Legislation: House Bill 199 - 132nd General Assembly

(A) A registrant that is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, trust, or other business entity or association shall notify the division of financial institutions of every sale, transfer, or hypothecation of any stock, security, membership, partnership, or other equitable, beneficial, or ownership interest in the entity or association, if the interest represents at least a five per cent membership, partnership, or other equitable, beneficial, or ownership interest in the entity or association.

(B) Every person that acquires or otherwise receives an interest described in division (A) of this section is subject to this chapter. The division may make any investigation necessary to determine whether any fact or condition exists that, if it had existed at the time of the original application for a certificate of registration, the fact or condition would have warranted the division to deny the application under section 1322.10 of the Revised Code. If such a fact or condition is found, the division may, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, revoke the registrant's certificate.

Last updated June 22, 2021 at 1:13 PM

March 23, 2018 Latest Legislation: House Bill 199 - 132nd General Assembly

A person registered under this chapter solely to sell leads of potential buyers to residential mortgage lenders or mortgage brokers, or solely to match buyers with residential mortgage lenders or mortgage brokers through a computerized loan origination system recognized by the United States department of housing and urban development, shall be required to make only those disclosures under this chapter that apply to the portion of the transaction during which they have direct buyer contact, and shall be subject to all fair conduct and prohibition requirements in their dealing with buyers.

Last updated June 22, 2021 at 1:14 PM

September 30, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly

(A) An application for a license as a mortgage loan originator shall be in writing, under oath, and in a form prescribed by the superintendent of financial institutions that complies with the requirements of the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee of two hundred dollars and any additional fee required by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry.

(B)(1) The application shall provide evidence, acceptable to the superintendent, that the applicant has successfully completed at least twenty-four hours of pre-licensing instruction consisting of all of the following:

(a) Twenty hours of instruction in an approved education course;

(b) Four hours of instruction in a course or program of study reviewed and approved by the superintendent concerning Ohio lending laws and the Ohio consumer sales practices act, Chapter 1345. of the Revised Code, as it applies to registrants and licensees.

(2) If an applicant held a valid mortgage loan originator license issued by this state at any time during the immediately preceding five-year period, the applicant shall not be required to complete any additional pre-licensing instruction. For this purpose, any time during which the individual is a registered mortgage loan originator shall not be taken into account.

(3) A person having successfully completed the pre-licensing education requirement reviewed and approved by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry for any state within the previous five years shall be granted credit toward completion of the pre-licensing education requirement of this state.

(C) In addition to the information required under division (B) of this section, the application shall provide both of the following:

(1) Evidence that the applicant passed a written test that meets the requirements described in section 1322.27 of the Revised Code;

(2) Any further information that the superintendent requires.

(D) Upon the filing of the application and payment of the application fee and any fee required by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry, the superintendent of financial institutions shall investigate the applicant. As part of that investigation, the superintendent shall conduct a civil records check.

If, in order to issue a license to an applicant, additional investigation by the superintendent outside this state is necessary, the superintendent may require the applicant to advance sufficient funds to pay the actual expenses of the investigation, if it appears that these expenses will exceed five hundred dollars. The superintendent shall provide the applicant with an itemized statement of the actual expenses that the applicant is required to pay.

(E) In connection with applying for a loan originator license, the applicant shall furnish to the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry information concerning the applicant's identity, including all of the following:

(1) The applicant's fingerprints for submission to the federal bureau of investigation, and any other governmental agency or entity authorized to receive such information, for purposes of a state, national, and international criminal history background check;

(2) Personal history and experience in a form prescribed by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry, along with authorization for the superintendent and the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry to obtain both of the following:

(a) An independent credit report from a consumer reporting agency;

(b) Information related to any administrative, civil, or criminal findings by any governmental jurisdiction.

(F) The superintendent shall pay all funds advanced and application and renewal fees and penalties the superintendent receives pursuant to this section and section 1322.21 of the Revised Code to the treasurer of state to the credit of the consumer finance fund created in section 1321.21 of the Revised Code.

(G) If an application for a mortgage loan originator license does not contain all of the information required under this section, and if that information is not submitted to the superintendent or to the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry within ninety days after the superintendent or the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry requests the information in writing, including by electronic transmission or facsimile, the superintendent may consider the application withdrawn.

(H)(1) The superintendent may establish relationships or enter into contracts with the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry, or any entities designated by it, to collect and maintain records and process transaction fees or other fees related to mortgage loan originator licenses or the persons associated with a licensee.

(2) For purposes of this section and to reduce the points of contact that the federal bureau of investigation may have to maintain, the division of financial institutions may use the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry as a channeling agent for requesting information from and distributing information to the United States department of justice or other governmental agencies.

(3) For purposes of this section and to reduce the points of contact that the division may have to maintain, the division may use the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry as a channeling agent for requesting information from and distributing information to any source as determined by the division.

(I) A mortgage loan originator license, or the authority granted under that license, is not assignable or transferable.

Last updated July 15, 2021 at 1:32 PM

December 29, 2023 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 131 - 134th General Assembly

(A) Upon the conclusion of the investigation required under division (C) of section 1322.20 of the Revised Code, the superintendent of financial institutions shall issue a mortgage loan originator license to the applicant if the superintendent finds that the following conditions are met:

(1) The application is accompanied by the application fee and any fee required by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry.

(a) If a check or other draft instrument is returned to the superintendent for insufficient funds, the superintendent shall notify the applicant by certified mail, return receipt requested, that the application will be withdrawn unless the applicant, within thirty days after receipt of the notice, submits the application fee and a one-hundred-dollar penalty to the superintendent. If the applicant does not submit the application fee and penalty within that time period, or if any check or other draft instrument used to pay the fee or penalty is returned to the superintendent for insufficient funds, the application shall be withdrawn.

(b) If a check or other draft instrument is returned to the superintendent for insufficient funds after the license has been issued, the superintendent shall notify the licensee by certified mail, return receipt requested, that the license issued in reliance on the check or other draft instrument will be canceled unless the licensee, within thirty days after receipt of the notice, submits the application fee and a one-hundred-dollar penalty to the superintendent. If the licensee does not submit the application fee and penalty within that time period, or if any check or other draft instrument used to pay the fee or penalty is returned to the superintendent for insufficient funds, the license shall be canceled immediately without a hearing, and the licensee shall cease activity as a loan originator.

(2) The applicant has not made a material misstatement of fact or material omission of fact in the application.

(3) The applicant has not been convicted of or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to a disqualifying offense as determined in accordance with section 9.79 of the Revised Code.

(4) The applicant completed the prelicensing instruction set forth in division (B) of section 1322.20 of the Revised Code.

(5) The applicant's financial responsibility and general fitness command the confidence of the public and warrant the belief that the business will be operated honestly and fairly in compliance with the purposes of this chapter. The superintendent shall not use a credit score or bankruptcy as the sole basis for a license denial.

(6) The applicant is in compliance with the surety bond requirements of section 1322.32 of the Revised Code.

(7) The applicant has not had a mortgage loan originator license, or comparable authority, revoked in any governmental jurisdiction.

(B) The license issued under division (A) of this section may be renewed annually on or before the thirty-first day of December if the superintendent finds that all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The renewal application is accompanied by a nonrefundable renewal fee of two hundred dollars and any fee required by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry. If a check or other draft instrument is returned to the superintendent for insufficient funds, the superintendent shall notify the licensee by certified mail, return receipt requested, that the license renewed in reliance on the check or other draft instrument will be canceled unless the licensee, within thirty days after receipt of the notice, submits the renewal fee and a one-hundred-dollar penalty to the superintendent. If the licensee does not submit the renewal fee and penalty within that time period, or if any check or other draft instrument used to pay the fee or penalty is returned to the superintendent for insufficient funds, the license shall be canceled immediately without a hearing, and the licensee shall cease activity as a loan originator.

(2) The applicant has completed at least eight hours of continuing education as required under section 1322.28 of the Revised Code.

(3) The applicant meets the conditions set forth in divisions (A)(2), (4), (5), (6), and (7) of this section.

(4) The applicant has not been convicted of or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to any of the following in a domestic, foreign, or military court:

(a) During the seven-year period immediately preceding the date of the renewal application but excluding any time before the license was issued, a misdemeanor involving theft or any felony;

(b) At any time between the date of the original license and the date of the renewal application, a felony involving an act of fraud, dishonesty, a breach of trust, theft, or money laundering.

(5) The applicant's license is not subject to an order of suspension or an unpaid and past due fine imposed by the superintendent.

(C)(1) Subject to division (C)(2) of this section, if a license renewal application fee, including any fee required by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry, is received by the superintendent after the thirty-first day of December, the license shall not be considered renewed, and the applicant shall cease activity as a mortgage loan originator.

(2) Division (C)(1) of this section shall not apply if the applicant, not later than forty-five days after the renewal deadline, submits the renewal application and any other required fees and a one-hundred-fifty-dollar penalty to the superintendent.

(D) Mortgage originator licenses annually expire on the thirty-first day of December.

(E) The pardon or expungement of a conviction shall not be considered a conviction for purposes of this section. When determining the eligibility of an applicant, the superintendent may consider the underlying crime, facts, or circumstances connected with a pardoned or expunged conviction.

(F) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, the superintendent shall issue a mortgage loan originator license in accordance with Chapter 4796. of the Revised Code to an applicant if either of the following applies:

(1) The applicant holds a license in another state.

(2) The applicant has satisfactory work experience, a government certification, or a private certification as described in that chapter as a mortgage loan originator in a state that does not issue that license.

Last updated December 29, 2023 at 7:24 AM

March 23, 2018 Latest Legislation: House Bill 199 - 132nd General Assembly

Each applicant for a mortgage loan originator license shall submit to a written test that is developed and approved by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry and administered by an approved test provider.

(A) The test shall adequately measure the applicant's knowledge and comprehension in appropriate subject areas, including ethics, federal and state law related to mortgage origination, fraud, consumer protection, and the nontraditional mortgage marketplace, and fair lending issues.

(B) An individual shall not be considered to have passed the written test unless the individual answers at least seventy-five per cent of the questions correctly.

(C) An individual may retake the test three consecutive times provided the period between taking the tests is at least thirty days. If an individual fails three consecutive tests, the individual shall be required to wait at least six months before taking the test again.

(D) If a mortgage loan originator fails to maintain a valid mortgage loan originator license for a period of five years or longer, the individual shall be required to retake the test.

For this purpose, any time during which the individual is a registered mortgage loan originator shall not be taken into account.

Last updated June 22, 2021 at 1:19 PM

March 23, 2018 Latest Legislation: House Bill 199 - 132nd General Assembly

(A) Each licensee shall complete at least eight hours of continuing education every calendar year. To fulfill this requirement, the eight hours of continuing education must be offered in a course or program of study reviewed and approved by the superintendent of financial institutions. The course or program of study shall include all of the following:

(1) Three hours of applicable federal law and regulations;

(2) Two hours of ethics, which shall include instruction on fraud, consumer protection, and fair lending issues;

(3) Two hours of training related to lending standards for non-qualified mortgages, as defined in 12 C.F.R. 1026.43, or the nontraditional mortgage product marketplace.

(B) Continuing education courses shall be reviewed and approved by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry based upon reasonable standards.

(C) The following conditions shall apply to the continuing education required by this section:

(1) An individual cannot take the same approved course in the same or successive years to meet the annual requirement for continuing education.

(2) An individual can only receive credit for a continuing education course in the year in which the course is taken, unless the individual is making up a deficiency in continuing education as permitted by rule or order of the superintendent.

(3) A licensee who subsequently becomes unlicensed must complete the continuing education requirement for the last year in which the license was held prior to the issuance of a new or renewed license.

(4) A licensee who is approved as an instructor of a continuing education course receives credit for the licensee's own annual continuing education requirement at the rate of two credit hours for every one hour taught.

(5) If an individual successfully completed a continuing education course reviewed and approved by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry as required by another state, the individual can receive credit toward completion of the continuing education requirement of this state.

Last updated June 22, 2021 at 1:21 PM

September 1, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 133 - 134th General Assembly

(A) A registrant or entity holding a valid letter of exemption under division (B)(1) of section 1322.05 of the Revised Code shall supervise all business of a mortgage loan originator conducted at the principal office, any branch office, or other location used by the individual mortgage loan originator.

(B) If a mortgage loan originator's employment or association is terminated for any reason, the licensee may request the transfer of the license to another registrant by submitting a transfer application, along with a fifteen-dollar fee and any fee required by the national mortgage licensing system and registry, to the superintendent of financial institutions or may request the superintendent in writing to hold the license in escrow. Any licensee whose license is held in escrow shall cease activity as a mortgage loan originator. A licensee whose license is held in escrow shall be required to apply for renewal annually and to comply with the annual continuing education requirement.

(C) A registrant may employ or be associated with a mortgage loan originator on a temporary basis pending the transfer of the mortgage loan originator's license to the registrant, if the registrant receives written confirmation from the superintendent that the mortgage loan originator is licensed under this chapter.

(D) Notwithstanding divisions (A) to (C) of this section, if a licensee is employed by or associated with a person or entity holding a valid letter of exemption under division (B)(1) of section 1322.05 of the Revised Code, and if the mortgage loan originator's employment or association is terminated, the mortgage loan originator shall notify the superintendent within five business days after termination. The licensee may request the transfer of the license to another person or entity holding a valid letter of exemption under division (B)(1) of section 1322.05 of the Revised Code by submitting a transfer application, along with a fifteen-dollar fee and any fee required by the national mortgage licensing system and registry, to the superintendent or may request the superintendent in writing to hold the license in escrow. A licensee whose license is held in escrow shall cease activity as a mortgage loan originator. A licensee whose license is held in escrow shall be required to apply for renewal annually and to comply with the annual continuing education requirement.

(E) A licensee may seek to be employed by or associated with a registrant or a person or entity holding a valid letter of exemption under division (B)(1) of section 1322.05 of the Revised Code, if the registrant receives written confirmation from the superintendent that the mortgage loan originator is licensed under this chapter.

Last updated June 22, 2021 at 1:25 PM

September 1, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 133 - 134th General Assembly

A registrant or entity holding a letter of exemption under this chapter may contract for and receive interest at any rate or rates agreed upon or consented to by the parties to the residential mortgage loan, but not exceeding an annual percentage rate of twenty-five per cent.

Last updated June 15, 2021 at 5:35 PM

September 1, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 133 - 134th General Assembly

(A)(1) No registrant shall conduct business in this state, unless the registrant has obtained and maintains in effect at all times a corporate surety bond issued by a bonding company or insurance company authorized to do business in this state. The bond shall be in favor of the superintendent of financial institutions and in the penal sum of one-half per cent of the aggregate loan amount of residential mortgage loans originated in the immediately preceding calendar year, but not exceeding one hundred fifty thousand dollars. Under no circumstances, however, shall the bond for mortgage lenders and mortgage brokers be less than fifty thousand dollars and an additional penal sum of ten thousand dollars for each location, in excess of one, at which the registrant conducts business. The bond amount for registrants that engage exclusively in the business of mortgage servicing shall be a minimum of one hundred fifty thousand dollars. The term of the bond shall coincide with the term of registration. A copy of the bond shall be filed with the superintendent. The bond shall be for the exclusive benefit of any buyer injured by a violation by an employee of the registrant, mortgage loan originator employed by or associated with the registrant, or registrant of any provision of this chapter or any rule adopted thereunder. The aggregate liability of the corporate surety for any and all breaches of the conditions of the bond shall not exceed the penal sum of the bond.

(2)(a) No licensee who is employed by or associated with a person or entity holding a valid letter of exemption under division (B)(1) of section 1322.05 of the Revised Code shall conduct business in this state, unless either the licensee or the person or entity on the licensee's behalf has obtained and maintains in effect at all times a corporate surety bond issued by a bonding company or insurance company authorized to do business in this state. The bond shall be in favor of the superintendent of financial institutions and in the penal sum of one-half per cent of the aggregate loan amount of residential mortgage loans originated in the immediately preceding calendar year, but not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars. Under no circumstances, however, shall the bond be less than fifty thousand dollars. The term of the bond shall coincide with the term of licensure. A copy of the bond shall be filed with the superintendent. The bond shall be for the exclusive benefit of any buyer injured by a violation by the licensee of any provision of this chapter or any rule adopted thereunder. The aggregate liability of the corporate surety for any and all breaches of the conditions of the bond shall not exceed the penal sum of the bond.

(b) Licensees covered by a corporate surety bond obtained by a registrant, or by a person or entity holding a valid letter of exemption under division (B)(1) of section 1322.05 of the Revised Code, they are employed by or associated with shall not be required to obtain an individual bond.

(B)(1)(a) The registrant shall give notice to the superintendent by certified mail of any action that is brought by a buyer against the registrant, mortgage loan originator, or employee alleging injury by a violation of any provision of this chapter or any rule adopted thereunder, and of any judgment that is entered against the registrant, mortgage loan originator, or employee by a buyer injured by a violation of any provision of this chapter or any rule adopted thereunder. The notice shall provide details sufficient to identify the action or judgment, and shall be filed with the superintendent within ten days after the commencement of the action or notice to the registrant of entry of a judgment.

(b) The licensee shall give notice to the superintendent by certified mail of any action that is brought by a buyer against the licensee alleging injury by a violation of any provision of this chapter or any rule adopted thereunder, and of any judgment that is entered against the licensee by a buyer injured by a violation of any provision of this chapter or any rule adopted thereunder. The notice shall provide details sufficient to identify the action or judgment, and shall be filed with the superintendent within ten days after the commencement of the action or notice to the licensee of entry of a judgment. A person or entity holding a valid letter of exemption under division (B)(1) of section 1322.05 of the Revised Code that secures bonding for the licensees employed by or associated with the person or entity shall report such actions or judgments in the same manner as is required of registrants.

(2) A corporate surety, within ten days after it pays any claim or judgment, shall give notice to the superintendent by certified mail of the payment, with details sufficient to identify the person and the claim or judgment paid.

(C) Whenever the penal sum of the corporate surety bond is reduced by one or more recoveries or payments, the registrant or licensee shall furnish a new or additional bond under this section, so that the total or aggregate penal sum of the bond or bonds equals the sum required by this section, or shall furnish an endorsement executed by the corporate surety reinstating the bond to the required penal sum of it.

(D) The liability of the corporate surety on the bond to the superintendent and to any buyer injured by a violation of any provision of this chapter or any rule adopted thereunder shall not be affected in any way by any misrepresentation, breach of warranty, or failure to pay the premium, by any act or omission upon the part of the registrant or licensee, by the insolvency or bankruptcy of the registrant or licensee, or by the insolvency of the registrant's or licensee's estate. The liability for any act or omission that occurs during the term of the corporate surety bond shall be maintained and in effect for at least two years after the date on which the corporate surety bond is terminated or canceled.

(E) The corporate surety bond shall not be canceled by the registrant, the licensee, or the corporate surety except upon notice to the superintendent by certified mail, return receipt requested. The cancellation shall not be effective prior to thirty days after the superintendent receives the notice.

(F) No registrant or licensee employed by or associated with a person or entity holding a valid letter of exemption under division (B)(1) of section 1322.05 of the Revised Code shall fail to comply with this section. Any registrant or licensee that fails to comply with this section shall cease all mortgage lender, mortgage broker, mortgage servicer, or mortgage loan originator activity in this state until the registrant or licensee complies with this section.

Last updated June 22, 2021 at 2:24 PM