Better Guide to a Warranty Cancellation Letter

Canceling a warranty is a formal process. Whether you’re dealing with an auto warranty or a home warranty, you will need a formal warranty cancellation letter to cancel your agreement. You must write a comprehensive cancellation letter explaining the ramifications of the warranty cancellation to the company issuing the warranty.

This article discusses the various aspects of canceling a warranty.

What is a Warranty?

A warranty is a guarantee from a manufacturer or seller that defective products will be repaired or replaced. Warranties offer clients legally-guaranteed service replacement or repairs much as the warranty’s provisions allow for the period of the warranty.

The agreement specifies what repairs or remediation will be made to ensure the claimed quality of the service or commodity.

How does Warranty Work?

Typically, warranties feature exclusions that limit the circumstances in which a manufacturer is required to fix a defect. For instance, many home appliance warranties only cover the equipment for up to a year after the date of purchase. In general, they are only covered if the product has issues because of defective materials or poor workmanship.

Numerous vendors provide extended warranties as a result of the limited manufacturer warranties. Extended warranties are essentially upfront-paid insurance coverage for products. Coverage typically lasts for several years and frequently has fewer restrictions on terms and conditions.

What Is a Warranty Cancellation Letter?

A warranty cancellation letter is when you seek to terminate the warranty on a product that you received. This could be because you are unsatisfied with the product and have decided you do not want to use it.

Writing a letter to cancel a warranty serves as a formal notice to cancel the contract. It safeguards your interests by providing documentation of your cancellation request.

This termination of the warranty is legally required in certain states. The letter should include reasons that you are seeking the warranty cancellation. You must also provide backup evidence of the product not being the quality you expected.

A man writing on a paper placed over a black table

Why Would You Cancel a Warranty?

There are legal and practical reasons why you might need to cancel a warranty. And it is important to understand the reasons why you might choose to write a letter of cancellation for your warranty policy.

Cancellations mostly happen for extended warranties because the cost is usually included in the price of the product.

The most common reason for warranty cancellation is the cost. Warranties are sometimes offered as monthly payments. Some customers add up the cost of the warranty over the course of the contract. And they find it to be significantly higher than they had anticipated.

Moreover, extended warranties do not cover all potential problems. And some customers conclude the coverage isn’t worth the price of the product, so they decide to cancel the warranty.

Letter Template for Warranty Cancellation

Here’s a generic template to help you get started on writing your warranty cancellation letter:

Re: Cancellation of Policy #123456

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request a cancellation of my warranty policy [policy number] effective from [Date].

I wish to cancel my warranty because [Give a brief reason for wanting to cancel the warranty policy]

Please provide a cancellation confirmation within 30 days of receiving this request. I request to cease billing my card for the premium following the cancellation date and refund any unused portion of my payment made earlier.

I appreciate your consideration and time in this matter.


If you are wondering how to cancel a warranty, this article will provide the information you need to complete the process. You may need to cancel your warranty for various reasons, but writing a formal letter to the company makes the process smooth.

Moreover, it provides you with proof of request for cancellation. You can also get the prorated amount refunded, and cease charging you for premiums. This article explains the concept of warranty and a template to help you write a warranty cancellation letter.

Better Guide to a Warranty Cancellation Letter

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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