Business Roundtable Marks Second Anniversary of Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation

Washington - Today, Business Roundtable marked the second anniversary of the 2019 Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation. On August 19, 2019, nearly 200 CEOs of America’s largest companies committed to delivering long-term value to all of their stakeholders.

Business Roundtable President & CEO Joshua Bolten released the following statement:

“Two years ago, Business Roundtable CEOs pledged to run their companies for the long-term benefit of all of their stakeholders – customers, employees, suppliers, the communities in which they operate, and shareholders.

“The Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation reflected the view of our members that to succeed and profit over the long term, they need to consider the interests of all of their stakeholders – invest in their employees, keep the trust of their customers, partner with their suppliers and be a good member of their communities – all to ensure that their enterprises flourish far into the future. The best modern CEOs have been running their companies in this way for a long time; they signed the Statement as a better public articulation of their long-term focused approach and as a way of challenging themselves to do more.

“Over the past two years, through unprecedented crises, Business Roundtable companies have embodied the values embedded in the Statement. During times of uncertainty and unrest, we’ve witnessed the best of American ingenuity and innovation and of American companies’ commitment to the long-term interests of their stakeholders.

Two years in, Business Roundtable CEOs have strongly demonstrated a commitment to the Statement. They know there is more work to do, and I am confident that they will continue to rise to the challenge.”

In 2020-2021, Business Roundtable member companies:

For more on the Business Roundtable Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation, click here .

Note: The information shared in this release utilizes internal survey data collected and aggregated by Business Roundtable to demonstrate member companies’ broad commitment to all stakeholders.

*This release has been updated to reflect a current $465 million in support to Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs). Previously, the release mentioned $600 million to MDIs, which is the total Roundtable-wide goal by 2025.

*This release has been updated to reflect that of the Business Roundtable companies that responded to a survey question, 48% of them said that 90% or more of their employees are paid more than the U.S. median wage.