Untamed Beasts

Released: August 2019, Warcry Starter Set boxed set. Refreshed August 2022.

As ferociously savage as the predators they hunt and consume, the Untamed Beasts tear across the Mortal Realms in a tireless search for worthy prey, leaving a trail of butchered and bloody carcasses in their wake.

 <a href=Untamed Beasts by HobbyJackal" width="1000" height="500" />



Fighter Profiles​

The Untamed Beasts box contains:



Damage (normal/crit) Untamed Beasts Add to Warband


First Fang​

Damage (normal/crit) Damage (normal/crit) Untamed Beasts Add to Warband


Damage (normal/crit) Damage (normal/crit) Untamed Beasts Add to Warband

Preytaker with Fanged Axe​

Damage (normal/crit) Untamed Beasts Add to Warband

Preytaker with Sawtooth Blade​

Damage (normal/crit) Untamed Beasts Add to Warband


Damage (normal/crit) Untamed Beasts Add to Warband

Rocktusk Prowler​

Damage (normal/crit) Untamed Beasts Add to Warband Last updated on Apr 10, 2024 External Resources servo_scribe projects Friendly resources

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